Prayers performed during Samhuinn 2016. A series of Celtic Druid prayers are performed under the Sacred Oaks by our Chief Druid. Most of the prayers, in honor or our ancestor’s sacrifice are to the Goddesses Morrigan and Brigid, Goddesses of War and of Creation. Prayers in Gaelic and English in honor of local Druid’s Ancestors (parents, relatives) will also be carried out as we have for the last three years. So bring or send us the names of your Ancestors that you would like us to make a Holy Druid prayer for, and to which Gods or Goddesses, if any in particular.
There are two services, just after midnight and at dawn of November 1, 2016. Strong prayers are conducted outdoors under the Oaks. This is our most sacred and Holy Eve. At midnight Pacific Standard Time will begin our New Year, Year 8547 of the Orthodox Druids.
The Druid Gods of Sacrifice
We have many Druid Gods, over a long 8,000+ year history. Many of these were Gods of Ancestors and War, who sacrificed themselves to higher Druid Gods, to protect us and to be our Saviours.
Before the Christian worship of Christ’s sacrifice for people, there was the Druid worship of Morrigan, Brigid, Belatucadros, Agrona, Rudianos, Ambisagrus, Smertrios, Camulus, Gods who sacrificed themselves to protect the Druid Celtic people of Europe from foreign invasion.
Sacrifice in the Celtic Druid world means to devote your best talents to the preservation of your Celtic European people. It means studying for decades, knowing many things, and applying that knowledge to the protection of the Celtic European people, our people.
Druids have never carried out human sacrifice as some texts keep trying to claim. We have the death penalty for murder and rape, but that is capital punishment, not sacrifice.
Sacrifice in the Celtic Druid religion is personal sacrifice for our Celtic Druid European people.
The Druid Celtic Cross

Before the Christian Cross the Druids (all Celtic peoples of Europe) venerated the Druid Cross for 6,500 years. The Cross, the outstretched arms, meaning of human sacrifice for the tribe, ethnic group, or race, has its oldest archaeological artifact in civilization, in the Trypillia (Ukraine-Russia) civilization 5600 BC.
The Celtic Knot
The Celtic Knot is the mathematical maze patterns Druids use to encode information. In mathematics, a knot is an embedding of a circle in 3-dimensional Euclidean space, R3 (also known as E3), considered up to continuous deformations (isotopies). A crucial difference between the standard mathematical and conventional notions of a knot is that mathematical knots are closed—there are no ends to tie or untie on a mathematical knot.
Tying the Knot

Tying the Knot means to get married under Celtic Druid Brehon Law. It comes literally from tying a knot around the wrists made up of two strands, like DNA, two Celtic Tartan cloth fabric strips, with the Clan Tartan on each, and wrapped around the two wrists of the Male and Female to be married. It is to bind the two people together by a cloth bound and tied knot, literally tied together. Bound fast. Thus the term Handfasting. Bound fast by the hands. Handfasting is not “neo-pagan” as it was fully legal in Scotland clear up to 1939, when it was banned.
Sacred Celtic Druid offerings
During Samhuinn we make sacred offerings in addition to prayers, these are usually works of art and literature, things which preserve our culture, people and heritage and at the same time are strong on honoring the sacrifice of our ancestors.
Many who are not in the Celtic Druid religion think that Samhuinn (Halloween) is for drinking alcohol, partying, and generally forgetting. When in fact it is a sacred Holiday of honoring our Ancestors sacrifices/contributions with offerings of our own sacrifices/contributions. We Druids will sacrifice a night of partying to make a substantial, worthy, offering to the Druid Gods in honor of our ancestor’s sacrifice.
If you want to join our Celtic Druidism, and start making a positive difference in your community and nation, email us.
Particularly in Los Angeles/Hollywood the Samhuinn (Halloween) is seen as a time to get drunk, fuck, do drugs, drink more alcohol, and generally not have to sacrifice anything, like the late Roman Empire which we Druids finally sacked and destroyed in 405AD. The spiritual force and spiritual thrill of sacrificing oneself to connect to a force greater than oneself is, unfortunately, completely lost on the hedonists of Hollywood. These are the same hedonists who don’t get high off of hard exercise. Who don’t get high off of self-sacrifice for the Druid Gods.
As the old foreign religions from the Middle East fade in the public mind. Celtic Druidism is gathering increasing numbers of converts.
We welcome all Celtic Europeans to our Druid Holy services. Come join your ancestors and your Gods for a better future.
To join, send an email to CelticDruid (@) tutanota (dot) com