CELTICS, Season 1, “The Gods Speak”

Celtic Gods meet in a secret Druid Grove to remember the horrors they have seen in the Roman Empire occupation for intense debate on how to best resist its subjugation, censorship, genocide, slavery. The beginning of The Resistance.

CELTICS, Season 2, “The Lost Book”

Celtic Gods meet in the sacred Island of Orkney to begin to find the Sacred Books. Swords, and methods to fight back, in the Resistance, aganinst the Roman Empire. Roman Empire solider and consul meet to plot strategy of how to defeat the Celtics.

Summer Solstice 2020

Orthodox Celtic Druidism celebrates the Thermonuclear Sun of the Summer Solstice. A time when the brightest White light shines the broadest and the Truth is seen and told. At this celebration we worship the Celtic Druid Gods of Belenus, the god of Sun, and Tuireann, the god of Lightning, and Thunder.